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Interview on the slowing Chinese Economy at China Radio International

Date:2012-10-3 18:18:30

Professor's Liu Director of CIBE  
Interview on the slowing Chinese Economy at China Radio International

The world's second largest economy is definitely slowing down, registering a shrinking demand from its foreign customers mostly in European countries and a sluggish domestic consumption. The debate among economists ranges from how bad the situation is with the once-roaring growth engine of global economy to the tools on how to fix the problems. The Chinese government has announced a few infrastructure projects, including rail projects in big cities, but the move is far less forceful compared with the 4 trillion RMB stimulus package in the wake of 2008 financial crisis.

China Radio International (CRI) held an interview with three Experts in the field of economics, including Prof Liu Baocheng. He talked about the reality of the Chinese economy slowing down, of the domestic consumption patterns, the loan system to smaller companies  and the Governments provincial and national responses and his ideas on them. Prof Liu also talked about wether or not a new stimulus package was needed for China, and the need for monetary reform in China.

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