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Prof. Wang Ling Interviewed in “Integrity in Action”

Date:2012-10-16 14:59:18
On the afternoon of September 13, 2012, Prof. Wang Ling, secretary of the Party Committee of University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), was interviewed in the TV documentary series “Integrity in Action” and shared her views about university integrity education.
Wang spoke highly of the documentary “Integrity in Action” and said that integrity should be the focus of the whole society rather than a certain industry. Aiming at character-building, integrity education plays an important role in university talent cultivation. She regarded integrity and responsibility as the basis and the soul of morality. Therefore, integrity education must be strengthened among not only teachers, but also students so that personnel of better quality will be trained.   
When talking about how to respond to challenges and opportunities of international business education posed by “business integrity” in a globalized world, Wang pointed out that as one of China’s first-class universities under the leadership of Ministry of Education and one of the universities first put on the list of “Project 211”, UIBE has been the base of scientific research and talent training in the fields of international trade, economics and business. To meet the trend of the new environment, besides professional knowledge and foreign language teaching, which is an advantage of UIBE, the university will also strive to expand students’ international vision and strengthen their awareness of social responsibility. Every Year, moral and integrity orientation is given to freshmen students. Currently, several schools have offered classes about business ethics which is also prioritized in students’ international exchange activities and social practices. What’s more, UIBE established the first Collegiate Student Social Responsibility Association in China. Meanwhile, under the same umbrella of UIBE, the Center of International Business Ethics (CIBE) was established 8 years ago, engaged in the academic research and exchange in business ethics and contributes a lot to social practices of collegiate students and mass education.
The TV documentary series “Integrity in Action” is jointly filmed by The Central Newsreel and Documentary Film Studio (Newsreel), Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) at UIBE and China Credit Research Center (CCRC) at Peking University. With solid theoretic basis and a number of cases concerning product safety, environmental protection, labor rights, financial credits and anti-corruption, the documentary aims at exploring achievements and challenges concerning China’s integrity maintaining in various industries to awaken people’s consciousness and enlighten new ideas. With eight 30-minute-long episodes, the documentary will be firstly broadcasted in CCTV and concurrently recommended to a couple of provincial TV channels.
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