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"Corporate Social Responsibility" Case Study Competition Registration Online is available

Date:2012-10-18 16:49:26
"Corporate Social Responsibility" Case Study Competition
Insight into the leadership of future society 
Purpose of the Competition
As an international academic institution of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), the Center of International Business Ethics (CIBE) is committed to the research and extension of Corporate Social Responsibility. College students are the future leadership of society, and CIBE launches this annual essay contest in order to enhance students’ insight into business ethics, equipping future leaders with both ability and integrity.
* The 6th competition has already begun in colleges and universities nationwide;
About the Competition
In the year 2008, CIBE launched the second round of "Corporate Social Responsibility" Thesis competition in 12 colleges and universities in Beijing. It has evoked strong response among universities with over 500 applicants and garnered attention from the business community;
In the year 2009, there were 59 universities with over 1332 applicants involved in this round of competition.
In the year 2010, we got 2266 applicants from 70 universities;
In the year 2011, there were more than 1600 groups of students from over 70 universities participated this competition;
We are looking forward more students participate in this competition.
Participant Qualifications
·         College students, including undergraduate and graduate students
Angle for analysis
The participants can choose one case that you are interested in for analysis from the following angles:
· Media Ethics
· Transnational Business
· Marketing Ethics
· Design Ethics
· Client Relations
· Responsible Investments
· Environmental Protection
· Social Entrepreneurship
· Migrant Labor Rights
· Consumer Rights
· Administration Ethics
· Regulation in Finance
· Service Ethics
· Industry Standards
· Tax Avoidance
· Climate Change
How to participate
Download the electronic application form, fill in the information as requested and submit it to the mailbox: uibecsr@163.com; or fill out the application form in promotional activities on campus on the spot, and complete the online registration within a month with the instruction sent to your mailbox;
You can write the thesis in English or Chinese, with 5000-8000 words limit for Chinese essays and 3000-5000 for English;
Participants can team up for competition with no more than three persons.
For more details please visit: www.cibe.org.cn
Telephone: 010-6491-5691
Deadline for Application Submission
Application should be submitted by January 22nd 2013
Deadline for Paper Submission
Paper should be submitted by March30th 2013
1.      Bonus
One First Prize (3,000)
Two Second Prizes (1500 each)
Three Third Prizes (500 each)
Four Individual Prizes (200 each)
Category Awards:
Award for Best Original Research (1500);
Award for Best Thesis in English (500);
Two Awards for Outstanding organizations(2,000 each)
2.      Study Abroad
There is an opportunity for the winners to study in Seton Hall University for a Master Degree.The tuition fee is sponsored by Seton Hall University.
3.      Internships and Other Opportunities
Winning participants will have the additional opportunity to intern or train in established companies.
4.      Paper Publication
There is an opportunity for winning articles to be published in the English-language ‘Journal of International Business Ethics’ (JIBE), and/or other selected academic columns.
5.      Speech Conference
Winners will be invited to attend the Thesis speech conference organized by CIBE.
6.      Membership
Winners will be awarded free membership to CIBE, receiving the biannual JIBE journal and invites to various members activities regularly.

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