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Videos on Business Ethics in China, from the Markulla Center (US)

Date:2012-10-22 13:40:50
The Following links bring you to a collection of materials featuring scholars and business executives with expertise on doing business in China. 
The following videos, introducing key issues in business ethics in the Chinese context, feature Kirk O. Hanson, executive director of the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, and Liu Baocheng, director of the Center for International Business Ethics in Beijing (CIBE). Scroll down for videos with Prof Rothlin, the secretary General of CIBe, on Chinese Values and Business ethics, and other interviews on Chinese Business ethics with Business professionals. 
CIBE has a long standing close relationship with the Markkula Center for Applied ethics in the US. And the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics has a long-standing interest in business ethics in the Chinese context: cultural and behavioral similarities and differences between China and the West, the challenges of doing business in China, complying with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and best practices for introducing and implementing codes of ethics in Chinese subsidiaries of Western organizations.
 That link is here:
The videos are also featured in our Global Business Ethics Playlist on YouTube:
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