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Keynote Speech of International Conference-Economics Disparities & International Business Ethics

Date:2013-1-11 19:13:58
“Economic Disparities and International Business Ethics”
30th Anniversary of the Business School at the University of International Business & Economics and the 8th Annual International Business Ethics Conference
On December 8th, 2012, the 30th Anniversary of the UIBE Business School and the 8th Annual International Business Ethics Conference has been held in the Lecture Hall on 3rd Floor of Chengxin Building in UIBE. Themed on “Economic Disparities and International Business Ethics”, this conference was jointly organized by the UIBE Business School, the Center for International Business Ethics at UIBE, and the Center for Multinational Companies Studies at UIBE. Hundreds of experts and distinguished guests from China and abroad attended the conference.
Please visit the following links for the reports:
1.        Mr. Thomas A. Myers: An Ethical Global Financial System: What Is Broken and How to Fix It
2.        Prof. Dr. Kjell Stenstadvold: Culture clash and business ethics: the rise and fall of a Chinese-Norwegian JV
3.        Prof. Dr. Xu Shi-jun: Ethics is not the charity when enterprises have extra resources, but the essence of corporate operations
4.        Prof. Dr. Dennis McCann: The Unexpected Rewards of Case Study Writing: Rediscovering the Importance of Narrative
5.        Mr. Andrew So: Credit Unions: Subordination of Business Techniques to Ethical Ideas
6.        Prof. Dr. Christoph Stückelberger & Prof. Dr. Zhou Shou-jin: Announcement of collections on Chinese Ethics and Confucian Ethics in Globethics.net
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