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A lecture on development of NGO and CSR in Taiwan

Date:2013-5-21 11:19:54
At 7 pm on April 22thin the classroom 310 of Boxue building,Collegiate Social Responsibility Association of UIBE held a lecture on the development of NGO and CSR in Taiwan. In the background of a soft piano melody,Prof. Zhao Zhongjie gave a brief self-introduction. Although Prof. Zhao has several impressive job titles, such as executive director of Taiwan Charity Organization Education Foundation, director of Humanist EduUp Club of the Taiwan , secretary general of Chinese NPO Management Association,he is very approachable in personality.
Prof. Zhao analyzed the current situation and development of Taiwan NGO and CSR. In 1950s, Taiwan was a region that received aid from world NGO, but from the 1990s to 21 century when Taiwan has been able to aid other regions in the world, NGO in Taiwan has changed from being local to being regional and international. Prof. Zhao specially emphasized teenagers’ contribution to charity. He encouraged and called teenagers to join charity organizations.” people who are positive are often willing to do some charity” is Prof. Zhao’s aphorism, which makes him a helper to social vulnerable groups as well as a useful person to society. Besides, as for NGO in Taiwan, Prof. Zhao also digged into more details on community public welfare and community economy, showing us a good community development model , from which we learned a lot and deeply understanding on social responsibility.
From Prof. Zhao’s lecture, we saw how NGO in Taiwan was developing and got a better understanding on our social responsibility.
Report from Collegiate Social Responsibility Association of UIBE
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