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Learn financial planning, achieve life dream

Date:2013-8-26 17:13:23
On July 30th, the second day of the Fourth Collegiate Social Responsibility Summer Camp saw the continuation of eight students from the Social Responsibility Student Association of UIBE as well as twenty eight students from other universities.
At 9 o’clock, Mr. Li Mou, general manager of the wealth management department at the Hengjiu Wealth Management Company, gave a lecture at UIBE.
At first, Mr. Li raised a few questions about the proportion of down payments for mortgages, the loan interest, and the correct timeframe of debt payoff, allowing students to get a taste of financial issues.
In order to show the value of financial planning, Mr. Li prepared a game called Cash Low. Campers could achieve fortune freedom and their life dream by managing money in a virtual world. This combination of incorporating education with sport really involved the campers. The campers held different opinions: some thought this game had a lot to do with money, such as to give birth to a baby, get a divorce, lose a job, go bankrupt, give to charity or be involved in a lawsuit, while others took high salary as not a completely good thing.. Some jobs did not offer a high salary but people in this situation can achieve freedom of fortune with smaller expenses and lower expectation. Also, there were ideas that came up regarding “social responsibility”: considering financial planning as a way to be responsible for both the individual and family, which is the premise of responsibility in society.
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