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Be True to Yourself, Be Kind to Others

Date:2013-9-12 11:24:45
On August 1st, Professor ZangYingnian and Ms. Mao Nini from Hengjiu Wealth Management jointly gave a lecture with the theme of “Know Yourself”, in which they gave personality tests on interpersonal communication and insight by DISC system.
At first, Prof. Zang illustrated the importance of personality through sharing his rich experience in psychological counseling and training. Then, Ms. Mao prepared the campers in order to complete the DISC questionnaires.According to the result of the personality test, students are separated into different groups; each group is filled with birds of a feather. Ms. Mao analyzed those character models in detail, so that everyone could figure out their shared nature and diverse traits.
In the end, Prof. Zang made a conclusion and answered a few questions from the participants. He emphasized that there was no perfect test on one’s personality; therefore, we should take it as a start to know someone instead of as an end to judge them.
Through today’s lesson, I could know myself much better. Being objective to one’s personality advantages and disadvantages is very crucial for a person to avoid weakness and provide perspective. Also, to understand others’ character model can help a great deal when it comes to team work.
Written by Liu Xiaolin
Anhui Normal University
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