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A Lecture on Business Etiquette

Date:2013-9-12 13:39:31
During the afternoon of August 1st, Mao Nini from Hengjiu Wealth Management gave us a lecture on business etiquette.
Ms. Mao began by giving us a detailed definition of business attire, which was quite different from what we thought it was. She showed us various types of business outfits and told us how to match pieces well. Later, she informed us on how to correctly greet clients: including introducing oneself, shaking hands, exchanging business card, etc. Campers interacted with the speaker through site simulation and behavior rectification. At last, table manners were stressed. Ms. Mao used pictures to explain the order of seats and utensil use.
Today’s lecture was a great success. Campers learned a lot about business etiquette in such a short amount of time. Also, Ms. Mao taught in a very engaging way, which we enjoyed a lot.
With little knowledge of business manners, you may risk being considered as rude or incompetent.. As an undergraduate giving little notice to business etiquette before, I feel it is very urgent that i start learning about it right now. China, known as the land of courtesy, should pass its etiquettes on to the following generations. Therefore, we should behave ourselves and leave others a good impression.
Written by Song Li
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
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