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Interesting Team Building Exercise

Date:2013-10-23 15:52:02
On August 2nd, 2013, under the guidance of the Social Responsibility Association of UIBE, around forty members of the Fourth Collegiate Social Responsibility Summer Camp went to Changping District to participate in a day of team building exercises.
We were so excited that we got up very early and were ready by 6:50A.M.. It took around an hour to arrive at the destination but upon arrival, an instructor in blue welcomed us. After the warm-up games, we were divided into two groups. Within twelve minutes, we selected our leader, the assistant leader, flag bearer and safety supervisor.
Then, the fun began. The first program was “high jump”. There were two hard wood board 8 meters high and we needed to jump from one board to the other board one meter away. Although we had taken protective measures, it was really a challenging game. The instructor taught us the needed skills and techniques, resulting in almost everyone succeeding the jump.
The second game we played was “trust fall”. In this activity, one team member stood on a two meter high stage, falling backwards without any protection unto the arms of the other eight or ten players below, essentially “trusting” your peers to catch you. Everyone had a chance to participate as he falling individual.. When team members below the stage caught the falling peer, everyone became excited and more united.
In the afternoon there were another two games, “through the grid” and “the ultimate PK”.
At the end of the trip, each person received a “diploma” and listened to a lecture given by the instructor called Meeting because of Fate. Overall, it was really a wonderful and meaningful day.


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