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Visit to an Emergency Project of TOTAL Group

On the afternoon of July 29th,all campers of the Fourth Collegiate Social Responsibility Summer Camp went to visit the emergency center of Beijing An Zhen Hospital sponsored by TOTAL Group.     
First, Ms. Guo Junjia, CSR Officer of TOTAL China, gave a brief introduction of the corporation, as well as its efforts and contributions to CSR. TOTAL believes that a company can be socially responsible through being a responsible employer and launching related programs. TOTAL shoulders its responsibility in two ways. One way is through its concern with individual’s health. TOTAL operates in a number of the world's regions where health care systems lack infrastructure, skills, and resources. They take part in initiatives to improve the health of employees and their families and are extending programs to local communities. Education is the second method. Total is committed to giving free lectures, opening summer camps in Paris, and offering scholarships at national, regional and international levels.
Next, Mr. Zhang Xuerui, Group Health Manager of Total, gave more details about the training center of emergency treatment built in 2008. TOTAL acts as a bridge, leading the cooperation between An Zhen Hospital and the French Embassy.  Their aim is to import French advanced emergency system and medicine knowledge into China, such as, ultrasonic wave and advanced simulated anthropomorphic phantom. He said a little knowledge may help to save one’s life, while little knowledge may help to endanger one’s life. Mr. Zhang then taught campers some first-aid methods.
Lastly, French doctor, Dr. Nadia Hamdim, showed how the advanced simulated patient imported from France operates. Campers were guided to stand nearby this patient, listening to its voice, watching it blink, and feeling its heartbeat. Dr. Hamdim displayed various first-aid methods, including the cardiac compression. Campers took an enthusiastic attitude toward what Dr. Hamdim said and asked a lot questions. To the esteemed appraisal of Dr. Hamdim, some campers even tried to simulate emergency treatments.  
Today’s visit aimed at educating campers in the existence of a company with a good reputation in social responsibility and a set of emergency medical knowledge.
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