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Take Responsibility, Cultivate Leadership

Date:2013-11-20 16:30:57
August5th: Li Luyan, the director of the training center in Tasly Pharm, joined the camp. She has more than 14 years’ experience of staff training and organizational development in several corporations listed on the Fortune 500 in industries such as pharmaceuticals, information technology, and international trade and so on. She is also an expert in human resource strategy, individual sustainable development, leadership evaluation, curriculum design, group facilitation, intercultural communication, as well as employer-employee interaction.
Ms. Li gave a lecture on leadership. She began by asking the audience what is leadership and who leaders are. Students answered that leaders were people who had influence on others and that they can be parents, teachers or friends. Ms. Li then illustrated leadership with an incentive model of West Point. She explained a leader is both natured and nurtured.
She also spoke about her own experiences with leadership. She said the ability to make good decision is an important leadership quality. In her opinion, one should decide what he/she really likes and what really mattered to them.
Ms. Li speculated that many Chinese students attend university as a result of working hard in high school and being accepted to a good university, instead of as a process to become fully prepared for a future career. This in her opinion is totally wrong and she suggested that we should never stop improving and learning during college.
In regards to future careers, she mentioned that domestic private firms may be a better place to work for than foreign companies because foreign companies may make important decisions abroad and all you could do is execute. If one wanted to start their own business, she believed ability and perseverance were indispensable qualities the entrepreneur needed to possess.
Today, we chose the topic we are interested in, and recognize that one can only make great effort for what he/she is really interested in.
Written by Yang Wenzheng
Hebei College of Industry and Technology
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