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Nestlé Agreed to Sponsor the Rothlin Primary School

Date:2014-5-6 18:27:04
On April 29, 2014, the director, Professor Liu Baocheng, the office director, Ms. Dorothy Gao, and the Swiss volunteer, Ms. Sonja Rösli visited Nestlé, and met the director Mr Syed Fakhar Ahmed and Ms Ge Qian from the Group Affairs Department and Creating Shared Value and Special Project of Nestle Group Greater China.
The attendances at the meeting respectively introduced the projects they were leading. Nestlé’s poverty-alleviation projects mainly revolves in nutrition, water education, poverty areas development, and has made remarkable achievements in different parts of the world; As the advocate and practitioner of social responsibility, CIBE has always supported the education in Nanpi County, one of the national level of poverty in Cangzhou city, Hebei province.
Both participants appreciated each other’s efforts in poverty-alleviation project, and had further discussions in the voluntarily teaching program in the Rothlin Primary school this summer. Nestlé showed their willing to sponsor the pupils who participate in the summer program with some products and cash, and intended to integrate the existing "water education training" and” healthcare training" project into the curriculum of rural teachers’ summer camp, which is organized by CIBE and sponsored by Bosch China Charity Center. The two sides hope to have further cooperation in corporate social responsibility and responsibility of leadership.
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