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Report on the seminar of Collegiate Social Responsibility-- CSR Practices In International Companies

Date:2010-3-5 12:57:38

December 9-10th 2009, the Centre for International Business Ethics (CIBE), Peking University Business and Finance Association (BFA) and the Students' Finance Association of Tsinghua held the seminar -- CSR Practices In International Companies. The seminar was hosted by Prof. Hou Shengtian, Vice Secretary General of CIBE.  Ms. Wang Danhui, Principal Consultant of IMS Health China and Mr. Yu Xingyang, Marketing Manager of Bentley Systems, Inc. were the main speakers.

Relating to her experience in the pharmaceuticals industry, Ms. Wang shared her opinion on the growing significance of sustainable development discourse and practice in the coming decade. Meanwhile Mr. Yu discussed CSR issues as they apply to international software companies, in particular, he mentioned some of the projects in which he was involved with Bentely, such as the National Aquatics Center ("Water Cube"), Beijing Capital airport's Terminal 3, Shanghai International Finance Centre, Hong Kong International Airport and so on. Bentley Systems helps architects and engineers simulate and analyze building energy use and factors such as lighting, ventilation, and thermal performance. It helps improve the reliability of system design, ensure the quality of system performance, and reduce the amount of energy that buildings consume. Mr. Yu made the point that only when all corporations take their social responsibilities seriously, can we relieve those environmental problems, such as population, housing, transportation and ecology.

This seminar was part of CIBE's ongoing Collegiate Social Responsibility program which aims at raising awareness and stimulating debate on CSR and sustainable development issues, amongst Beijing's large and talented University student population.

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