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Social Democratic Party of Germany Former Chairman Kurt Beck’s Visit

Date:2010-11-23 15:18:48

Social Democratic Party of Germany Former Chairman Kurt Beck’s Visit——Seminar on development of China-Germany Social Economic Development

At 11:00 on 26th October, the Former Chairman of Germany’s Social Democratic Party, as well as Rheinland-Pfalz land Governor Kurt Beck, and the German Ambassador to China, Mr. Michael Schaefer, led the German delegation to visit Beijing’s University of International Business & Economics The group communicated with professors, teachers and students from the International Business School, the School of Foreign Studies, the School of International Relations and the School of Law. The discussions focused on labor-management issues, corporate social responsibility, social welfare, and related concepts. This visit was organized by CIBE, and co-organized by the School of Foreign Studies and School of International Relations.
To start, the Dean of UIBE’s School of International Relations gave a brief introduction to the school, including the campus environment, the quality of faculty and students, the settings of colleges and research institutions, as well as issues regarding employment. These issues emphasized the international, characteristic, and high-end of UIBE. Meanwhile, he also expressed his warm welcome to the German delegation with the desire to promote mutual understanding.
Then, Prof. Pan Yaling, from the School of Foreign Studies, introduced the background of Mr. Kurt Beck and gave a foundation for Beck’s speech, “Social Justice of Inner market economy”, with comic relief. 
In Mr. Beck’s speech, he first recognized the Twelfth Five Year Plan just recently drafted by China, and especially appreciated the people oriented developmental model. Then, he gave detailed accounts of the population, development of the agriculture and industry, industrial structure, gross national product, development of medium-sized and small enterprises in friendly cities, all which were related to the situation of the Rheinland-Pfalz land. He then analyzed the overall success of this social market economy. Meanwhile, he excavated the common points of the social economic development model and social operating systems of China and Germany. Following, he discussed the apt role of government in the social market economy. In addition, Mr. Beck emphasized the degree of perfection and advantages of the German social welfare and security systems and proposed that the development of these systems are also very important in the social economic development in China.
Next, Prof. Fan Libo, from the Business School gave a brief conclusion and introduced the condition and character of modern Chinese social economic development. He thought that the balance between government and corporate citizens’ benefit will endure much progress in the next 10 years. He also suggested that universities in both countries should enhance communication and cooperation. After that, Prof. Liu Baocheng from CIBE analyzed the Chinese economic development of the past 30 years. Dean Dai Changzheng, chaired the follow up discussion. In this process, students and teachers raised questions about the disadvantages of social market economic system and its impact in regards to innovation, which then received replies from Mr. Beck.
In the end, Prof. Fan Libo presented a gift to Mr. Beck on behalf of UIBE, and took a group photo to honor the occasion. With this happy note, the meeting was brought to a close.

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