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Dr. Stephan Rothlin Appointed Position of Adjunct Professor of UIBE

Date:2010-11-30 16:56:46

Dr. Stephan Rothlin Appointed Position of Adjunct Professor of School of International Relations at the University of International Business Economics

On the 18th of November, the School of International Relations held a welcome ceremony for our Secretary General Dr. Stephan Rothlin and invited him to be Adjunct Professor of the International Politics Major. Dean of the School of International Relations, Dai Changzheng, Deputy Dean Xiong Guangqing, Director of CIBE Liu Baocheng, Office & Project Director Gao Huan and several faculty of the school attended the ceremony.

Dr. Stephan Rothlin received his business ethics doctorate from Innsbruck National University in Austria. His research mainly focuses on business ethics in Asia, with an emphasis on China. He possesses experience in cross-culture related issues and is a self-proclaimed language enthusiast. He readily commands 6 languages, including German, French, Italian, Spanish, English and Chinese.

At the ceremony, Dean Dai awarded the letter of appointment to Dr. Rothlin. The Dean pointed out that the doctor is an expert of International Business Ethics, and has taught business ethics courses at many universities, and has especially deep feelings for his work at UIBE. His new position implies significant development for subject dynamism and talent cultivation. Dr. Rothlin showed his cordial appreciation to the warm welcome from the School of International Relations. He also felt honored to take the award as a visiting professor. Through this chance, various partners can together enhance the communication and cooperation between CIBE and SIR, while improving the standards of academic research.

Towards the end of the ceremony, the Director of CIBE, Prof. Liu Baocheng, made an ebullient speech. He praised the recent development of SIR and promised that CIBE would enhance their overall communication and connections, actively support the development of SIR, expand project channels as well as carry out cooperation in related fields.

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