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Lecture on “CSR Strategy and Responsible Brand Management”

Date:2011-1-14 18:38:35

On Jan. 5, 2011, CIBE in cooperation with Beijing Youth Chamber of Commerce  held a high-end public lecture on “ CSR Strategy and Responsible Brand Management”. This lecture was conducted by Prof. Kelly A. McElhaney, head of Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley and global senior consultant. Director Liu Baocheng, Secretary General Stephan Rothlin and Deputy Director Yang Hengda were also invited to attend the lecture. Lawyer Tian Wenchang from King & Capital Law Firm, as well as guests from Beijing Youth Chamber of Commerce, and Beijing CSR Association has also been invited.

Firstly, Prof. McElhaney interpreted the reality, future, significance and value of corporate strategic management and the establishment of responsible branding under the context of globalization. Then, she combed the latest theory achievement and future directions of these fields in CSR. Combining with successful cases and experiences of international business, she explained corporate branding strategy, brand management, brand communication and brand monitoring, in order to help corporate to build brand reputation and favorite. At last, prof. McElhaney conducted in-depth communication with the present scholars, CSR and Responsible branding management experts, and entrepreneurs, which gave a lot feasible suggestions around CSR strategic planning and responsible brand management practice from international perspective.

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