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Seeking Common Ground and Mutual Development While Shelving Differences

Date:2011-3-8 19:19:31

The “Symposium on Sino-US Relations” was held on the campus of the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) from 7:00pm to 8:30pm on 3rd March 2011. Prof. Liu Baocheng (Director), Prof. Stephan Rothlin (Secretary General) and Prof. Hou Shengtian (Academic Advisor) from the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) have presented at the symposium.

 At the beginning of the symposium, Prof. Liu Baocheng, on behalf of the University, the School of International Relations and the Center for International Business Ethics, expressed the sincere welcome to the delegation from Seton Hall University (US) to the President, Prof. A Gabriel Esteban, Dean of the Business School, Prof. Joyce Strawser and the Assistant Dean of the Business School, Prof Jason Yin, and also welcomed the presented Dean of the School of International Relations, Prof. Dai Changzheng, teaching staffs and students from the University.

 The symposium began with representatives from the Seton Hall University and the University of International Business and Economics retrospect on the 30-year history of Sino-US relations of diplomatic relations normalization, the fast development of bilateral relations in the areas of economy, politics and societal issues, the two sides have expressed their common view and appreciation of the hardships in achieving the sustainable and strategic bilateral relations between the two largest power houses in the world today, and the necessity of cherish such hard-won heritage of both history and our forefathers. Looking into the future of Sino-US relations, the participants shared their wisdom on areas and dimensions where China and the United States could establish closer partnership in achieving a better world and mutual development for both sides, including green economy and technology, the sustainable development of the world economy and societal infrastructure, education and international exchanges, during which the students presented their unique view on the prospect of a more harmonious relationship between the two largest economies.

 The symposium ended with Prof. Dai Changzheng, Dean of the School of International Relations, expressing highly valued hopes on the prospect between Sino-US relations and the mutual cooperation between two universities.

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