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April 2nd World Autism Awareness Day Philanthropy Photography Exhibition

Date:2011-3-23 11:11:58


There are 35 million people with autism all over the world; 8 million are from China. It is reported that every 20 minutes there is a child born with autism. Autism (also known as infantile autism) is a kind of disease that cannot be completely cured, characterized with the symptoms of social interaction and language expression barriers, and narrowed interests, stereotyped behavior, and so on. Just like in the film "Ocean Paradise", the first movie themed about autism in China, cast by Jet Li and Wen Zhang, many parents spend their lives trying to protect their children from loneliness. As a way to raise awareness and concern for autism, United Nations General Assembly determined that April 2nd would be World Autism Day.

With World Autism Day approaching, the Center of International Business Ethnics (CIBE) at UIBE (University of International Business and Economics) cooperating with Mr. Cheng Xu, a famous voluntary photographer, plans to launch a photography exhibition designed to draw the attentions and concerns of the public to this vulnerable group by presenting the actual life of the autistic children and their families as well as the difficulties they have to face. When we make a change to the autistic children’s life, we also make a change to our lives. Sincerely look forward to your presence and earnest offerings.
Exhibition Time: Apr. 2nd -3rd, 2011

Opening Time: 14:00pm-17:00pm Apr. 2nd (Saturday), 2011
Venue:Inside-Out Art Museum
Address:No.65 Xingshikou Road,Haidian District,Beijing,4000M to West,Sijiqing Overpass
• Center of International Business Ethnics (CIBE) of UIBE
• Middle Art Museum
• Beijing Volunteers Association
• Voluntary Association of Zhongyi Photographers
• Little Volunteer League
1. All the exhibited photos will be sold for charity, with all the incomes going to autistic children and their families as a donation.
2. The 4th Autistic Children Paintings Exhibition as well as the press conference for the TV series “The Sky of Hope” will be held in the afternoon of the same day.
Contact: Libby Li
Tel: (86-10) 6491 3980

Profile of Cheng Xu
Mr. Cheng Xu, a volunteer of Beijing Volunteers Union Association and a member of Chinese Photographers Association, was awarded the Chinese Brilliant Photographer in the Earthquake Relief in 2008 and 2010. He devoted a lot of spare time and energy concentrated on vulnerable groups and victims of poverty. He visited Wenchuan disaster area 11 times, did voluntary service work with Yushu volunteer three times, and lead multiple commonweal organizations to raise dozens of RMB for donations. In the latest year, he focused on Chinese autistic children from the perspective of a volunteer and a photographer and continues his emotionally moving stories


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