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Love in Photographs “Care For Autism Children” Philanthropy Photograph Exhibition was a success

Date:2011-4-8 15:41:06

April 2nd celebrated the fourth “world autism day” to call on more people to care about autism children; the Center for International Business Economics (University of International Business and Economics) together with Cheng Xu, a photographer, held the “Care for Autism Children” Public Exhibitions.  On this day of commemoration, the exhibition was held at both The 798 Art District and the Middle Gallery.

In the morning, more than 60 people including Zhao Jianmin, Director of Rehabilitation Department of Beijing Disabled Persons Federation; Wang Yi, Honorary President of Chao Yang District Disabled Person Recovery Association and President of the Disabled Persons' Federation Council; Huang Lei, consultant of CIBE; relevant leaders of China's Social and Economic Culture Exchange Association, National Library, Chunhui Action Development Foundation and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation; members of Chao Yang District Disabled Person Federation Council; some autism children and their families; and more than 10 major domestic media crews attended the opening ceremony in The 798 Art District.

At the opening ceremony, Cheng Xu held the “autism images volunteer plan” together with Chao Yang Disabled Persons Federation, Wu Cai Lu Foundation, and some kind photographers aiming at calling on more photography volunteers to join in this cause. Over the past 3 years, hard work and effort has brought numerous rewards to Cheng Xu and his associates.  They have drawn attention from various societies by taking extensive photographs of the families with autistic children and initiating photography exhibitions and seminars to expose the difficulties these families have to face.  As a result of networking, this group has been able to gather resources from all over society as well as create awareness for autistic children and their families.  This is a big stride forward in helping autistic children.

In the afternoon, this exhibition and the Third “Love in Blue Sky”, autistic children’s painting exhibition, opened simultaneously in the Middle Gallery.  As a special guest, Dr. Rothlin, general Secretary of CIBE, shared the effects of rehabilitation and training for European Autism children.  He also emphasized the impact of art to these children and hoped that China would let the Parents Rehabilitation Council play a vigorous role, like in Switzerland, and make efforts to improve the status of autism children.

This exhibition showed 30 photos of everyday life and the training process an autistic child must undergo. Cheng Xu hoped that autism children would be accepted by society through the static images in the Image Reading Era, and he called on more people to pay attention to this special community and their families.

The two exhibitions both created great outcomes. Thanks to the many kind-hearted people that bought the photography at the scene, the charity sales raised 20,000 Yuan. All the money from the auction was donated to the parents of autistic children that were photographed. CIBE wants to call on the public to increase their care for autistic children and to help further develop a harmonious and beautiful homeland.

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