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The 2nd Symposium on Sino-European Cultural Exchange and Applied Ethics Invitation

Date:2011-4-15 15:54:30

The 2nd Symposium on

Sino-European Cultural Exchange and Applied Ethics


Dear Guest

Johann Adam Schall von Bell (汤若望) (1592-1666) was is one of the most influential foreigners in Chinese history and society. He has lived in China for 47 years and is still remembered today as an outstanding representative of the protagonists in early Sino-European cultural exchange who brought unique contributions to China on science, architecture and humanistic ideas during the late Ming and Qing dynasty.

The Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) at University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) is pleased to invite you to attend the “2nd Symposium on Sino-European Cultural Exchange and Applied Ethics” in memory of the 420th anniversary of Johann Adam Schall von Bell’s birth. The Symposium will take place on May 6th, 2011, designed to remind people about the long history of the cross-cultural understanding and exchange between China and Europe. This event also emphasizes how science, knowledge, innovation, and mutual cooperation lead to a civil society based on the rule of law.

After the symposium, we are going to arrange the visits to two important places related to Adam Schall’s life in Beijing: the astronomical observatory and his tombstone inside the Administrative College in Beijing.

Place: University of International Business and Economics

Time: 9:00 -12:00 am, May 6th, 2011. 

Relevant Events: 

12:30 am-2:00 pm   Lunch

2:00 -4:00 pm   Visit to the Ancient Observatory at Jianguomen

5:00 -6:00 pm   Visit to Zhalan Ceremony where Adam Schall von Bell was buried


Organizers: University of International Business and Economics; the Beijing Center for Chinese Studies; European Union Chamber of Commerce in China; Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to China

Executive Organizers: Center for International Business Ethics at UIBE; Center for International Business Chinese Communication at UIBE

Contact: Ms. Yan Liu, 010-64915691,  liudrsk51244@gmail.com

Please confirm your attendance by replying to this email and if you would like to take part in the relevant events, please fulfill the attendance survey for registration.

Should you have any questions regarding this event, please feel free to contact us.


Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Baocheng Liu                                                                           

Director of Center for International Business Ethics,                

University of International Business and Economics 


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