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The Annual Globe Ethics Forum will be held in Geneva, Switserland, June 30 and July 1st.

Date:2011-6-10 17:54:25

Globethics.net is a the global ethics network of experts, institutions and individuals from all walks of life interested in applied ethics. It offers with its Global Ethics Forum an innovative global platform as a three year project running from 2011 to 2013.

The Global Ethics Forum project with its focus on business ethics builds on the successes of the 2009 Conference that took place at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland from 2 to 3 July.

The Global Ethics Forum project is not just an annual event but an ongoing process involving four activities: events, research, exchange and documentation. The goals of the project include providing opportunities for multistakeholder dialogue with a number of partners to provide innovative practical solutions to problems faced by the business community and by the wider community in relation to corporate responsibility.

The theme of the 2011 Conference is 'The Value of Values in Business: Global Perspectives, Practical Solutions'.

For more information, please visit the Globe Ethics website:


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