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Luxembourg Ambassador Carlo Krieger visited Nanpi County

Date:2011-8-24 10:19:02

On June 5th, 2011, right before the Dragon Boat Festival, Professor Baocheng Liu, director of the center and Secretary-general Dr. Rothlin accompanied Luxembourg Ambassador Carlo Krieger and friends from all circles who are enthusiastic about charity work, to Nanpi County, Hebei Province. The group visited teachers from Nanpi No.1 Middle School and Rothlin Primary School. Luxembourg Ambassador Carlo Krieger has been the second ambassador after Austria Ambassador Sajdik invited by CIBE to conduct a deep investigation in to Nanpi.

In the morning, the group visited Rothlin Primary School, which is far away from the county. They met all the teachers in the school and presented each of them a holiday gift. As Nanpi County is located at the Gulf of Bohai, the microbial and fluorine content in drinking water are far beyond standard. It is of great disservice for teachers and students to regularly drink such unhygienic underground water. Through the efforts of our center, the Italian NGO organization C.E.I. donated water purification processing equipment to Rothlin Primary School to solve the problem. After operation of the equipment on Children’ Day, and the qualification rate of water had gone beyond national standards for drinking water, the defluorination rate reached 99%. By then, the problem of safe drinking water for over 500 teachers and students in Rothlin Primary School has been completely solved. After an inspection visit of the water treatment equipment’s performance, a panel was held for the guests, the headmaster and representatives of teachers from Rothlin Primary School, as well as representatives of local citizen and village committee leaders. In-depth discussions are made regarding the current difficulties and the future development of the school. Professor Liu and Dr. Rothlin have promised to continuously help the school deal with problems, and to create a pleasant learning and working environment for the teachers and students. After that, the visiting group had lunch with Promotion Director Zhongyun Chang from Nanpi County, Principal of Nanpi No.1 Middle School Hongliang Yang, and some of the teachers. During lunch time they discussed about the possibilities to organize “Xiangtao painting and calligraphy exhibition and live show” at Luxembourg ambassador’s mansion.

In the afternoon, the group visited the Nanpi painting exhibition. Several local Painting and calligraphy artists gave the ambassador a detailed introduction of Nanpi painting’s characteristics, and the implied meaning of each piece of work. Ambassador Carlo Krieger highly appreciated the painting and calligraphy works in Nanpi and kindly invited organizer of this exhibition Mr. Yike Tian together with Nanpi’s artists to visit the embassy.

Our center will invite more international friends to take a thorough visit to Nanpi in the future, making sustaining efforts for Nanpi’s educational development and cultural exchange.

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