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Visit to the National Political Consultative Conference assembly hall (July 20, afternoon)

Date:2011-8-24 10:22:48

After the visit to Lenovo in the morning, our group of campers came to the National Political Consultative Conference assembly hall, which located at the south of Fuchengmen Street, Xicheng District.

The National Political Consultative Conference assembly hall was built under the guidance of Premier Zhou Enlai in 1954, and finished its constriction in 1956. It was one of the most important early constructions in China. The National Political Consultative Conference assembly hall is the place to hold the Chinese people's political consultative conference, the National Committee of the CPPCC, the work place of the Standing committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC, and holding the activities for political or foreign affairs, and culture for our national leaders and all political parties, and also holding other important activities for our party and country.

The National Political Consultative Conference assembly hall has a European style appearance, looking dignified, elegant, and generous. The emblem of the CPPCC hangs high in the front of the National Political Consultative Conference assembly hall, shining and bright.

Entering into the hall, we were shocked by splendid guest rooms and magnificent setting rooms
The hall happened to be holding the painting and calligraphy exhibition of “bright China” during our visit. This exhibition gathers hundreds of great paintings and calligraphies by famous artists. There are many kinds of calligraphies work in this exhibition, like running script, cursive hand, and official script. All of the works showed their love to the party and the country. So was the case for the painting work, like Chinese painting, oil painting, and watercolor painting. Under their painting pan records China's history--how the nation got independent, depicts its present--how prosperous it is and looks forward to its future--how strong it will be.
We were deeply touched after appreciating the exhibition. Arts’ admiration and gratitude for the Party’s 90-year effort and accomplishments were showed from various aspects. We also wrote some words down on the message board beside the exhibition to express our feelings on the exhibition, the words are “Young we were, schoolmates, at life's full flowering; Filled with student enthusiasm. Boldly we cast all restraints aside. Pointing to our mountains and rivers, setting people a fire with our words”.

The time of a new history is coming, we should take the responsibility of bringing about the great renaissance of the Chinese nation. We are ready!

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