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Impressions on Total Corporation----By Qu Xue-ping (27th afternoon)

Date:2011-8-24 10:28:57

This morning, we went to Total China Corporation and learnt about its contributions to corporate social responsibility.

First, I had a general understanding of Total Co. It is the world’s fifth largest integrated international oil listed company, with approximately 92855 employees and 20 billion capital outlays. Then I got to know the future outlook of Total Co.  During the lecture, what impressive me most was the way their staffs treated the guests,which makes us college students feel especially warm. In the auditorium, the Total Co. attentively provided us with mineral water. Before we left, they prepared for us with a small pack, with the Total China’s sustainable development report, teenagers emergency treatment guide, and a stainless steel cup in it. The careful action moved us a lot.

Then, Total Co. gave us an account of the contributions it made in social responsibility. For example, it provided scholarship to schools in poverty-stricken area, passed on some first-aid knowledge to schools of Wen Chuan area with a low profile, invested in small companies, assigned Chinese doctors to study advanced medical skills in France, and actively took measures to solve environmental pollution issues, etc. The harmony of our world requires a joint effort, just like a collection of love will converge to a beam of sunshine. As to an enterprise, immediate interest is transient and only a long-term scheme can lead you to score a success.

In the afternoon, we went to An Zhen Hospital. At the outset, a physician introduced us with some elementary knowledge on emergency medicine. Then we visited the medical simulation laboratory. The anthropomorphic dummy could combine the speculative knowledge with experimental operation under various simulation clinical circumstances. They had pulse, heartbeat, and could cry, laugh, with several medical constants. It not only stood a chance for the new physician to react, but also avoid a direct performance on patients. The contributions Total Co. has devoted for first-aid deserve much of the praise. We realized that the emergence work was so amazing and anything was possible in the world. We will definitely succeed as long as we dare to think and make efforts. 

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