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Professor Baocheng Liu visited candidates for 2011 College Entrance Examination

Date:2011-8-24 10:35:11

On May 27th , 2011, Prof. Baocheng Liu, together with Yike Tian and other representatives from The Center for International Business Ethics, visited Nanpi No.1 Middle School one week before the College Entrance Examination. Prof. Baocheng Liu shared his experience and insights with students from “Baocheng Repetition Class” and graduating classes, and encouraged them to do their best in the upcoming exam. He gave students a pre-exam psychological counseling and pointed out details worthy notice when taking exams. The lecture enjoyed a lively and harmonious atmosphere.  Students were greatly inspired by Professor Liu’s success. Meanwhile, Prof. Liu brought a 40,000 donation collected from compassionate Europeans to “Baocheng Repetition Class”, on the purpose of improving its teaching conditions. He also expressed his enduring enthusiasm to promote education in his hometown.

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