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Invitation to Closing Ceremony of Xiang Tao Art Exhibition

Date:2011-11-25 11:23:36

Invitation to Closing Ceremony of Xiang Tao Art Exhibition

“Sharing your Joy with the People”: Art & Ethics in Rural China


Dear Mr./Ms.    

In order to promote cultural exchanges between China and Luxembourg and to contribute to the educational programs in Nanpi County, you are cordially invited to participate in the Closing Ceremony of “XiangTao Art Exhibition with paintings and calligraphy art on Dec. 6. This event is co-organized by the Center for International Business Ethics at University of International Business and Economics and the Nanpi County Government of Hebei province and hosted by the Luxembourg  Embassy in Beijing.


Time: 6:30pm-9:00pm, Thursday, Dec. 6th, 2011

Place: Residence of Luxembourg Ambassador in China, 21 Nei wu bu Jie, Dongcheng District, Beijing (Subway: Line 5; stop at Deng Shi Kou Station).


Please kindly let us know if you would be able to join us before Nov. 30th.

Please kindly find attached map for your reference. Since the residence is in the Hutong area, public transportation is the most convenience way to arrive. Looking forward to meeting you soon at the exhibition!


Best Regards,

Center for International Business Ethics,

University of International Business and Economics



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