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Date:2011-12-16 20:17:52

December, 9th 2011, Dr. Rothlin, the Secretary General of our center (CIBE), Ms. Eileen Wen, the china project leader of the Beijing Center of Chinese Studies (TBC) and Ms. Fu Xiuyin, the principal of the Wucailu Children Behavior Rectification Center went on a visit to the No.1 Middle School of the Nan-pi county and the Rothlin Primary School.

In the morning, they first went to the No.1 Middle School of Nan-pi County, and gave the donation, with a total amount of 52,800 RMB a result of the serial activities of the Xiang Tao Art Exhibition, which was organized by the CIBE and co-organized by the Luxembourg Embassy and the Municipal Government of the Nan-pi County. Aside from the agreed payment to the artists, the rest will be used for supporting the education in Nan-pi County. Mr. Cui Lipeng, Executive President of the Association, gave a speech, on behalf of the association. He first expressed his gratitude to the support to the education in Nan-pi County from all sectors of the society and promised to make the best use of the donation and earmarked a fund for its specified purpose. Some students and teachers and art representatives also participated in the donation ceremony, who could feel a direct motivation from it. And this feeling exactly shows the original purpose of the support of the quality-oriented education of our center.

In the following time, Dr. Rothlin, on behalf of our center signed a three-side collaborate contract with Mr. Yang Hongliang, the president of the No.1 Middle School and the famous private high school , Stonyhurst Middle School in Britain, which says that Stonyhurst will send 3 to 4 students to teach in Nan-pi for three weeks in summer 2012. In the end, Dr Rothlin gave a donation from the Lenovo (China) Volunteers Association and Region Sales Management Department. He also donated a Chinese red porcelain vase, a Licensed Olympic product, which was a donation done  in the art show, on behalf of Professor Liu Baocheng, the Director of our center.
  Later, they went to the Rothlin Primary School to have an interactive discussion with the students who went to Beijing to join the English Summer Camp held by our center. During this time, Dr. Rothlin required the Primary School should announce the eligibility criteria to all parents and citizens, so that they could supervise and guarantee the principles of being transparent, equitable and righteous. Moreover, he emphasized that the selective students should share their experience with more students and teachers. Lastly, Dr. Rothlin and other people took a visit to the water heaters donated by our center and allowing around 580 students and teachers to drink hot water in the cold winter.

In the future, our center will invite more social organizations and people with loving hearts to visit Nan-pi to continue to strive to promote the education and culture communication in Nan-pi County.


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