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the meeting and exchange experience with alumni in Standard Chartered Bank, December 2011

Date:2011-12-20 17:45:38

On December 7th, 2011, with the help from the teachers in the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE), the Collegiate Social Responsibility Association in our university sucessfully invited our outstanding alumnus Mr. Zhai Yanqun, the Senior Credit Officer, Northern China of the Standard Chartered Bank, and his four colleagues to deliver a vivid speech and an exchange of ideas on our UIBE campus.

Mr. Zhai direclty went to work for the China Resources Co. Ltd. after graduation and then transferred to the China Construction Bank where he worked for 10 years. After five-years of working in the Standard Chartered Bank in London and China, he went back to his alma mater UIBE to share his life experiences with the current students. Citing from their own lives as examples, the professionals illustrated some basic principles needed on the road for job hunting and inspired the students by showing the correct attitude towards the long life ahead of them, whether the colorful life of studying abroad or how to look for a job, that this right attitude will provide them with a golden harvest in the end.

For those who are about to enter the sociey, as well as for those staying to study, there will always be too many choices and tempations flurting with them. The chances prefer the prepared mind, so don’t count on good lucks; follow your dreams and your strengths to become who you really are; the measure stick should lie on whether you have tried your best and whether you are content about it; don’t be cocky as people always do not do as much as they thought.

Obviously, the solid foundation and exceptional capacities are essential to win in the job market. However, simply bearing them is far from enough and you should be equipped with some other abilities. During the communcation, the top one word was persistence, which was almost a common sense in the mind of most people. But, the speakers used their own experiences to prove its value and significance again. They also mentioned that it was grateful to have so many students here, especially in such a chilly day and they themsevles learned something new today as well. The activity ended in a rapturous applause.

From the Collegiate Social Responsibility Association of UIBE

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