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Recruitment Notice for Research Associate

Date:2011-12-26 18:00:24

Recruitment Notice for Research Associate


THE CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ETHICS (CIBE), at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing, conducts basic and applied research on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and ethical performance of Foreign-invested enterprises in China. It also aims to promote education and training seminars in Business Ethics through courses and practical learning experiences.

For more information, please visit www.cibe.org.cn


Job description for CIBE Research Associate

The Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing, is a China based action-oriented academic institution committed to the promotion and implementation of business ethics within a globalized context. The commitment to the sustainable success of organizations refers to the following areas:

l  personal growth

l  workers’ rights

l  product safety

l  consumer interests

l  fair business practices

l  anti-corruption

l  environmental standards

l  corporate governance

through value-based academic research, management training and education, social initiatives and strategic partnership.

The Research Associate’s work will focus primarily on qualitative and quantitative data services. This will include documenting and analyzing primary and secondary data sources including the variety of grant giving survey datasets, other survey data, and administrative data sets. The Research Associate will carry out duties related to CIBE research-gathering data on regional national policies with regards to Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics.

He or she will also act as a department support to all projects requiring secondary data analysis and will field all external data requests and subscriptions. The Research Associate will also provide support on CIBE outcome and measurement-related projects, contributing to the collection of quantitative and qualitative data, data entry, analysis, and reporting.

The position will require an avid interest and understanding of CSR and Business Ethics as it applies in Asia. The position will report to the Project director and will be required to work with other faculty, researchers and staffs, for which superb project management and time management skills will be essential.


Main duties and responsibilities include:

l  Conduct both qualitative and quantitative research independently, including the formulation of research questions, design and implementation of research programs

l  Design, maintain, and analyze (longitudinal) databases

l  Write reports and research summaries

l  Review literature from appropriate sources

l  Present findings at CIBE events

l  Participate in internal work groups, focus groups, round tables, etc.

l  Keep current on research methods and issue areas applicable to projects.



l  At least Master's degree (M. A. or MSc) or equivalent

l  Related experience and/or training in Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics, and philanthropy or related fields

l  Excellent verbal and written communication, and research writing skills

l  Good problem-solving skills

l  Knowledge and experience of statistical analysis is preferred

l  Bilingual in Mandarin and English

l  Critical to be a team player


Compensation: Salary based on qualifications



Interested applicants are invited to email a cover letter with two references. Please submit your application with a detailed CV to "Li Xiaosong" <xiaosong.li1983@gmail.com>.

Application closes on January 20, 2012.



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