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Dr. Rothlin joined the New Year Party organized by the Wucailu

Date:2012-1-9 13:47:06

Dr. Rothlin joined the New Year Party organized by the Wucailu Children Behavior Rectification Center

On 16th, November, 2011, Dr. Stephan Rothlin, the Secretary General of the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) and Ms.Luo Yanjie, a music teacher from the Department of Medicine of the Peking University, were invited to attend the New Year party held by the Wucailu Children Behavior Rectification Center. They, together with the students, teachers and colleagues in the center, celebrated the New Year in this very festival season, expressing their most sincere wishes for the New Year.

The Wucailu Children Behavior Rectification Center had prepared a list of fabulous performances for this special party, from a ‘shelf’ dance, performed by the students, to the co-dancing by the teachers and students, and some fun filled interactive games, like turning Hula Hoop and a hugging game. These fantastic performances included songs like Happy New Year, Pull up the turnip and so on, every of which was able to enhance the already festive atmosphere. Especially the last performance was a blast performed by Dr. Rothlin and Teacher Luo, in which the first was playing piano while the later sang.

The party ended in a very happy and warm atmosphere. In the coming New Year 2012, CIBE will strengthen its cooperation with Wucailu Children Behavior Rectification Center and continue to help the development of the treatment to Autistic children, as part of CIBEs commitment to social exposure in education in China.

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