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Prof. Liu’s new translation, Fund Industry, was successfully published

Date:2012-5-24 21:52:31
On May 21, 2012, Prof. Liu attend a Press Conference organized by CITIC Press and Sun Life Financial in regard to the book, Fund Industry-How to manage your Money. In attendance were representatives from Harvard University, China Renmin University, China Everbright Group, China International Capital Corporation Limited (CICC), China Securities Journal, Securities Daily, and Hexun.com among others.
Fund Industry-How Your Money is Managed details how mutual funds are marketed, regulated, and invested in stocks and bonds. The book also describes the critical factors needed to choose a specific fund for your investment or retirement plan, including what to look for when reading prospectuses, shareholder reports and third party reviews. At this press conference Prof. Liu shared his experience as translator and spoke on how to educate supervisors, practitioners, and investors. His insights were well received and applauded by the audience.
Other books Prof. Liu has translated include The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics, The Next Global Stage: The Challenges and Opportunities in Our Borderless World, Success Built to Last, and The Second Cycle: Winning the War Against Bureaucracy. These books and others translated by Prof. Liu can be purchased at your local bookstore or online.
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