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Mr. Michel Doucin, Ambassador for Bioethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, France, visits CIBE

Date:2012-6-6 14:11:56
On the afternoon of May 25th, 2012, Mr. Michel Doucin, Ambassador of Bioethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, France, visited CIBE and had a close talk with Prof. Liu Baocheng, director of CIBE.
The meeting began with Mr. Douchin introducing himself and his responsibilities as Ambassador of Bioethics and CSR. Mr. Doucin pointed out the similarities between China and France. He stressed that as global development continues, a set of uniform rules are required to promote cooperation between countries. Cultural differences are the main barrier to these universal rules, but once universal understanding is established in areas of labor, social welfare, and CSR cooperation will be a more tangible goal.
Following Mr. Douchin’s comments, Prof. Liu Baocheng introduced CIBE. Prof. Liu also presented the Ambassador with CIBE’s accomplishments including the Journal of International Business Ethics, Cass Study Center, Research on Foreign Enterprises’ CSR Performance in China, and the CSR-related Annual Meeting. Additionally he presented CIBE’s student oriented initiatives such as the Social Entrepreneurs Project, college students’ CSR summer camp, and the Nanpi Rothlin Primary School Sponsorship.
Mr. Doucin expressed his appreciation for CIBE’s achievements and the accomplishments the Center has attained in the seven years since its founding.  Mr. Douchin expressed his willingness for further collaboration with CIBE on Research on Foreign Enterprises’ CSR Performances in China, Journal of International Business Ethics, and CIBE’s various education projects.
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