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CIBE Attends ‘Integrating Young Workers into the Society and Corporate Social Responsibility ...

Date:2012-6-19 18:14:49

CIBE Attends ‘Integrating Young Workers into the Society and Corporate Social Responsibility Symposium’

On the afternoon of June 12, 2012, CIBE attended the Integrating Young Workers into the Society and Corporate Social Responsibility Symposium co-hosted by the School of Social Development and Public Policy at Beijing Normal University and China's Social Responsibility Research Institute.

Teachers from the School of Social Development and Public Policy at Beijing Normal University together with the research team from China’s Social Responsibility Research Institute presented the difficulties of social integration of the new generation of migrant workers and left-behind children using detailed data and scientific methodology. They came to the conclusion that enterprises should undertake social responsibility efforts towards these specific groups for specified time periods.

Representatives from organizations such as International Labor Organization and Intel (China) shared their practices and endeavors to care for the new generation of migrant workers. At the same time representatives, co-organizers from NGOs, and the Director of the Centre for Child-Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility (CCR CSR) expressed their personal perspectives according to their work and research.

The symposium lasted 4 hours, expanded the CSR development of researchers, enterprises and NGOs, and contributed meaningful research on the new generation of migrant workers.


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