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The 2nd Future Cities of China Design Competition Came to a Successful Closure

Date:2012-6-19 18:18:43
 On June 16, 2012, the 2nd Future Cities of China Design Competition held a grand award ceremony in Beijing. This competition was held bythe Center for International Business Ethics, along with Yau Lee Holdings Limited, Anton Red House Architectural Design Consulting (Beijing) Co. Limited, and Bentley Systems of Greater China with online media support provided by Sinoaec.com.
Wen Bing, Dean of Architectural Design Institute of China Architecture Design and Research Group, Yang Haiyu, Deputy Chief Architect of Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Philip Chmielewski, the inaugural holder of the Sir Thomas More Chair of Engineering Ethics at the Seaver College of Science and Engineering, Loyola Marymount University, Antonio Ochoa-Piccardo, Director of Anton Red House Architectural Design Consulting (Beijing) Co. Limited, Stephan Rothlin, General Secretary of the Center for International Business Ethics at the University of International Business and Economics, made up the independent judge committee. The competition was difficult and a rigid selection was made according to the final projects and presentations. Although currently in the Netherlands, Mr. Victor de Leeuw, architect and board member of Dutch Health Architects, also provided comments on the students’ projects.
After fierce competition, the judges announced the top three teams. First place was awarded to Yang Yang, from Shenyang Architectural University. The prize included¥5000 and placement at a paid internship. The title of his work is “the Flower of the Life -China Cancer Hospital”. The second place prize was tied by two teams: Lu Zhe & Gan Junjiao, from Zhejiang University, and Zhu Mingyu & Zhang Shuyuan & Chen Yiyi, from Southeast University. Both teams received ¥2500 as their prize.
The winners’ list are as follows:

Team members
Title of the Work
First Prize
Shenyang Architectural University
Yang Yang
the Flower of the Life-China Cancer Hospital
Second Prize
Zhejiang University
Lu Zhe
Gan Junjiao
The tree of life
Second Prize
Southeast University
Zhu Mingyu
Zhang Shuyuan
Chen Yiyi
Design Natural Architecture

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