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“Economic Disparities and International Business Ethics”----30th Anniversary of the Business...

Date:2012-9-18 20:49:09
“Economic Disparities and International Business Ethics”
30th Anniversary of the Business School at the University of International Business & Economics
and the 8th Annual International Business Ethics Conference
December 8th – 9th, 2012
University of International Business & Economics (UIBE),
Beijing, China P.R.C
In its recent report, Asian Development Bank (2011) has published its outlook for East Asian economic development in 2012 with aggregated GDP growth of 7.2%, 0.3% lower than this year, with downside risks from euro-zone and US recession, trade protectionism, destabilizing capital flow and inflation (though the headline inflation moderated in China and begun to ease in Newly Industrialized Economy(s), the issue “remains a concern for several economies”), which calls for implementation of “appropriate short-term macro-economic responses” and pursuit of “necessary long-term structural reform”, with which the key words of “balance” and “re-balance” occupy the solutions suggested to set priorities in the areas of human capital, infrastructure, financial development and promoting small and medium enterprises (SME) to “foster factor accumulation and productivity growth”.
Since their inception in 2000, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) have been upheld as the ultimate goal and vision for national, regional and global development. In reviewing the progress of past years and looking ahead for the future, UN Secretary-General, BAN Ki-Moon (2011), highlighted the necessity to achieve the goals through “equitable and inclusive economic growth, that reaches everyone and that will enable all people, especially the poor and marginalized, to benefit from economic opportunities”. Despite the issue of disparity has been acknowledged frequently and highlighted during the September 2010 MDG Summit in New York, the degree and extent of this socio-economic phenomenon have never been clarified without sufficient analytical research, let alone root causes or possible remedies (Wan & Zhang, 2011)
Recognizing China as the major driving force of the Asian and world economy, and the “globalized dilemma” requires “globalized solutions” with “globalized perspectives”, at the 30th anniversary of the Business School of UIBE, the Business School of UIBEthe Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) and the Center for Multinational Company Studies at UIBE will host its annual international conference – “Economic Disparities and International Business Ethics”. The mission of the 2012 conference is to analyze the phenomenon of disparity including the widening gap between the rich and the poor world wide and in the Asian context, to forge the ethical sense while exploring the progress achieved in different areas of International Business Ethics in the global context.
This conference shall provide an open platform and bring together renowned scholars and business leaders from around the world. It also encourages the participation of young researchers and managers worldwide who are committed to the development of international business ethics in China and Asia.
* Business School, University of International Business & Economics (UIBE), Beijing, China
* The Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE), University of International Business & Economics (UIBE), Beijing, China
* Center for Multinational Company Studies, University of International Business & Economics (UIBE), Beijing, China
* The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, Santa Clara University, USA
* Stillman School of Business, Seton-Hall University, U.S.A
* Center for Strategic Studies of Ministry of Education – China Strategy Research Center for Open Economy and International Technology Cooperation (SCOT)
* Research Center for Applied Ethics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, China
* China Credit Research Center (CCRC), Peking University (PKU), Beijing, China
* Center for Ethical Studies (CES), Renmin University of China (RUC), China
* Peking University Press (PUP), China
* Intertrade
Conference Topics
The conference will cover areas connected but not limited to the following topics, categorized within Global Vision, Regional Strategies, National Strategies and Corporate Strategies:
International cooperation and solutions to disparity
* Regional integration & polarization
* The Doha Round
* Regional development & policy in China
* Measurement of GINI co-efficient
* Ethical considerations in macro-policy making
* Social/corporate welfare program
* Value-based decision for multinationals
* Social responsibility in supply chain
* Moral leadership and disadvantaged group
* Corporate culture and fair opportunities
* Gender considerations for employer and leadership
* Anti-corruption
* Whistle-blowing and procedures
* Charity and/or philanthropy
* Social investment & social enterprise
* Role of non-governmental organization (NGO)
* Carbon footprint & environmental responsibility
* Fukushima crisis & implications
* Sovereign debt crisis & financial ethics
* Accounting ethics & CPA social responsibility

Mr. Xiaosong Li
Tel: 86-(0)10-64973919
Fax: 86-(0)10-64946502
Ms. Dorothy Gao
Tel: 86-(0)10-64973919
Fax: 86-(0)10-64946502

Introduction of the Organizers
The UIBE Business School
As early as 1982 when School of Business (SB)- its predecessor was the School of International Business Management (SIBM) established, it introduced from the U.S. the business management education system, as well as the teaching materials of business management, marketing, financial management, accounting, etc. On the basis of US educational system, SB has developed quickly, and in the light of the practice of Chinese business management, an educational system that features a combination of Chinese and western management theory and practice has achieved excellent results. The school has been focusing on the systemic integration of business management subjects, highlighting the correlation between practice and theory and using English textbooks. Its aim is to train such business management talents, who not only have an international strategic vision, but also the ability to make decisions to cope with emergencies. SB, with its special management features, high teaching quality and extensive academic exchanges, enjoys a high renown in the fields of business and academic both at home and abroad.
Center for International Business Ethics, at UIBE
The Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) is a non-governmental organization located in Beijing, China and hosted by the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE). As an international non-governmental organization, our Asian (specifically Chinese) focus shapes our identity as a research and training center. CIBE specializes in bringing together the academic study and practice of business ethics by working with many different Partners. Currently, CIBE projects span three key campaign areas: business, academia and the community. Each campaign area is designed to encourage, inspire, and empower stakeholders to think and act ethically, based on the human values of honesty, integrity, and respect.
Center for Multinational Company Studies at UIBE
Established in 1989, the Center for Multinational Company Studies has been focusing on the research of multinational corporate theory and multinational operations, as one of the most influential research centers on multinational corporations in China. The center has, with years’ of research, education and practice, built a research team with out-standing educational and research capabilities, and obtained several theoretical and empirical research results. The objectives of the center focus on authentic research on multinational corporations, with its strategic vision to become the leading research institution in this area, and the center for research, leadership education, academic exchange, consultation and reference for Chinese companies to obtain global competitiveness.
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