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“Economic Disparities and International Business Ethics”

Date:2012-9-19 16:19:14
“Economic Disparities and International Business Ethics”
30th Anniversary of the Business School at the University of International Business & Economics
and the 8th Annual International Business Ethics Conference
Dear Sir/Madam
Recognizing China as the major driving force of the Asian and world economy, and that the “globalized dilemma” requires “globalized solutions” with “globalized perspectives”, at the 30th anniversary of the Business School of UIBE, the UIBE Business School,the Center for International Business Ethics (CIBE) and Center for Multinational Company Studies at UIBEwill host its annual international conference –“Economic Disparities and International Business Ethics”from 8th to 9th December 2012 at the University of International Business & Economics, Beijing. Themission of the 2012 conference is toanalyze the phenomenon of disparity including the widening gap between the rich and the poor world-wide and in the Asian context, to forge the ethical sense while exploring the progress achieved in different areas of International Business Ethics in the global context.
This conference shall provide an open platform and bring together alumni of UIBE Business School renowned scholars and business leaders from around the world. It also encourages the participation of young researchersand managers worldwide who are committedto the development ofinternational business ethics in China and Asia.We would hereby invite you to join us in the anniversary ceremony and annul conference.
Conference Agenda

10:00-11:30, Dec. 8th 2012
30th Anniversary of the UIBE Business School
14:00-17:00, Dec. 8th 2012
8th Annual International Business Ethics Conference—Keynote
9:00-12:00, Dec. 9th 2012
8th Annual International Business Ethics Conference—Panels

Contact Us

Mr. Xiaosong Li
Tel: 86-(0)10-64973919
Fax: 86-(0)10-64946502
Ms. Dorothy Gao
Tel: 86-(0)10-64973919
Fax: 86-(0)10-64946502

UIBE Business School
Center for International Business Ethics, UIBE
Center for Multinational Company Studies at UIBE
September 15th 2012
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