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Prof. Dr. habil. Josef Wieland visited CIBE

Date:2013-1-15 20:18:44
On January 7th, 2013, Prof. Dr. habil. Josef Wieland, Director of the Konstanz Institute forIntercultural Management, Values and Communicationand professor at the Konstanz University of Applied Sciences, visited CIBE, and met Professor Liu Baocheng, Director of CIBE and Dr. Stephan Rothlin, Secretary General of CIBE.   
As a business ethicist, Prof. Dr. habil. Josef Wieland was the Director of the research department “Business Ethics” at the University of Münster from 1990 to 1995. He conducts business ethics related research and teaches in Germany, the United Kingdomand other countries.
After a brief introduction of each organization’s projects and working areas, the German side will consider that the newly created World Ethos Institute, the German CSR project and CIBE may make a combined effort and action plan especially related to projects which aim at the implementation of CSR in the context of China. Both sides were also interested in collaboration in CIBE’s research project on Foreign Invested Enterprises in China.
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