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2013-05-31 10th Anniversary of Taobao

Date:2013-6-4 14:10:50

Panel discussion:
When China's largest online retailer, TaoBao.com was set up in 2003, only a handful of individual e-shops were trading online, mainly in second-hand goods.The trading volume was less than 100 million yuan. Since then, as more and more people are engaging in online trading, C2C and B2C businesses grew at an astounding pace in the following years.

-Mark Hughes, Executive business editor, China Daily
-Will Tao, Analysis Director of iResearch, a company focusing on research on China's internet industry
-Liu Baocheng, Associate professor at the business school of the University of International Business and Economics.
More information, please visit:
(The report derives from CRIEnglish website: http://english.cri.cn/8706/2013/05/31/2861s767923.htm )

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