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Dennis P. McCann: The Unexpected Rewards of Case Study Writing: Rediscovering the Importance of ....

Date:2013-1-11 19:06:32
Dennis P. McCann: The Unexpected Rewards of Case Study Writing: Rediscovering the Importance of Narrative
Prof. Dennis McCann, Director of Case Study Institute of CIBE, delivered his keynote address themed on “The Unexpected Rewards of Case Study Writing: Rediscovering the Importance of Narrative”.
Prof. Dennis has taught business ethics in the U.S. for over 30 years. He started with an introduction of the teaching method centering on case study, which is an open and interactive way that enables students to participate in narration, discussion, simulation and other steps of case study. During that period students can find out about ethical problems in current society, reflecting on these problems, and exploring corresponding solutions. Generally, there are three phases of business ethics case studies, which are “to see, to judge and to act”.
To see: to uncover the truth by case study
Prof. Dennis contends that the first step of case study is to sort out the facts. During narration of the case, the case study writer should collect extensive materials and pay particular attention to different understandings on same event from domestic and foreign media. By doing so, on one hand it could enable us to explore the truth; on the other hand, it could enlighten us to consider an event from different aspects. Based on such grounds we could highlight the ethics in case study so that we could make targeted exploration.
To judge: to enable the reader to consider in their diagnoses and recommendations
Based on the Apple-Foxconn case study, Prof. Dennis further emphasizes the importance of reviewing a case, and points out the important role critical thinking plays during case study. He makes particular emphasis that one of the key elements of a case study is to put forward correct questions based on the facts. Only by looking beyond the surface and understanding the source of a problem, we can explore the solution of current ethical problems.
To act: to promote the construction of business ethics by case study
At last, Prof. Dennis points out that the economic disparities not only need to be properly diagnosed, but also is urgently in need of solutions, so that we could avoid the results contrary to original intention. Again he emphasizes the importance of case study in order to promote the construction of business ethics, and hopes that CIBE could cooperate with more agencies and institutions in future in an effort to jointly promote the balance and healthy development of world economy.
Intern reporter: Zhang Mengsha
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