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Yang Yunhui: Macrolink’s Fulfillment of Corporate Social Responsibility

Date:2013-2-5 17:28:53
At the meeting, Mr. Yang Yunhui, executive director and Assistant President of Macrolink Group, made the excellent speech: “Macrolink’s Fulfillment of Corporate Social Responsibility” with his understanding of corporate Social Responsibility and the relevant practice and experiences.
Firstly, Mr. Yang introduced Macrolink and its goals. As a diversified enterprise, Macrolink specializes in many fields including chemical engineering, real estate, mining industry, ceramics, financial investment, petroleum and trade. Established in the1990s, Macrolink has developed into an increasingly socially responsible enterprise, aiming at benefiting the society.
Then, Mr. Yang talked about his understanding of corporate social responsibility:“Corporations must shoulder relevant responsibility since they benefit from social resources. Meanwhile, they must also cultivate corporate culture to push forward the development of social culture.”
According to Yang, in Macrolink, social responsibility is fulfilled in three aspects: 1. developing new products and bringing the most profits to clients; 2. stimulating employees’ efforts through both material and spiritual motivation; 3. benefiting society through pursuing legitimate profits, observing social morality and laws, paying taxes, minimizing unemployment, ecological and environmental protection.
In the last part of the speech, Yang said they hope to build an ethic-oriented enterprise so that everyone can benefit from material and spiritual achievementsin the future. Mr. Yang Yunhui elaborated in his talk on corporate social responsibility from the perspective of corporations and was welcomed with a good response from the audience. 
Intern reporter: Guo Fangfei
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