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LI Jie: Sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility

Date:2013-2-5 17:24:51
On the conference, the Executive Vice President of Daimler Northeast Asia Co. Ltd., who is responsible for external affairs, Dr. Li Jie, firstly gave a speech, themed on “sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility”. Dr. Li mainly talked about the corporate orientation of Daimler, including the corporate sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, along with related strategy and practice.
Firstly, Dr. Li mentioned the mission of all the controlled companies, which mainly consists of four factors to achieve, that is: product, customer, brand and innovative technology. He also mentioned that sustainability is an important concept of Daimler’s development, and it goes through the whole strategy of the company.
Secondly, Dr. Li illustrated how to Daimler company strategy measure enterprise performance in detail. He took integrity as an example, he started from how to management layer define the concept of integrity, and then he talked about the legal and ethical standards that both the company and all the partners of the supply chain should abide.
And then, Dr. Li said that Daimler is always trying to discover and solve problems related to sustainable development. In 2011, for example, Daimler began with the point of environmental protection and energy, made clear and solved the issue of corporate social responsibility related to enterprise stakeholders.
Then, Dr. Li introduced the corporate social responsibility practice of Daimler in China in detail. The first point is taking consideration of the employees in the sustainable development aspects. Through the form of questionnaire, the company investigated on the company employees’ satisfaction degree for the company, cooperative partners, and work environment to make clear the problems that the enterprise has. By solving these problems to improve employees' job satisfaction, and to ensure that the company is stepping forward in the direct way of sustainable development. The second point is the establishment of the quality assessment and evaluation system for the supply chain. The enterprise should authenticate the suppliers and investigate their due diligence. The third point is the company’s internal and external environment problem, within the company, we should use environmental protection products, and out of the company, we should make investigation on safety, emission, and other environmental protection problems. In order to ensure our production activities do meet the environmental requirements of the local community.
At last, Dr. Li concluded: Corporate social responsibility is a very important part in Daimler’s development strategy, only from sustainable perspective to treat corporate social responsibility, can enterprises invest more easily, and can enterprises implement sustainable development strategy more easily.
Dr. Li’s speech caused audiences’ active interaction, guests raised many questions, among them, Professor Baocheng Liu raised a question about Daimler’s CSR standards and government relations activities of the enterprise, and Dr. Li answered the questions one by one.
Intern reporter: Fangfei Guo
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