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Liu Nianning: NGO-Corporate Partnership

Date:2013-2-5 17:28:32
At the meeting, Ms. Liu Nianning, director of EMC China, made an excellent speech: “NGO-Corporate Partnership”. She has rich experience in the practice of government relationship and corporate social responsibility.
Firstly, Ms. Liu concluded her years’ experience in the field and discussed the following questions: what is NGO-Corporate partnership, how can NGOs establish partnership with corporations and why should they cooperate?
According to Ms. Liu, corporations need partners to help them solve external problems concerning local stakeholders. There are three aspects of the relationship between corporations and NGOs: money and material relationship, cooperation,and strategicpartnership. Enterprises must share common goals and commitments and have mutual respects so that true partnership can be formed. Value, resource and management serve as the driving force of cooperation. Ms Liu mentioned EMC’s cooperation with “growing home”, an organization for helping university students in China to make career planning. EMC established partnership with “growing home” especially to help female students majoring in engineering to make detailed planning about their career. During the process, the two parties played complementary roles: “growing home” has a clear idea of university disciplines and EMC can provide different jobs. They both emphasize social and environment values and found a common value, which makes the cooperation successful. Then, Ms. Liu talked about institutionalization and common goals, reasons of a sustained partnership. Institutionalization means that a formal agreement is needed without which many problems will occur in the cooperation between enterprises and NGOs.
In the end, she mentioned that a win-win situation and mutual understanding brings a sustained partnership between corporations and NGOs. 
Intern reporter: Guo Fangfei
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