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Christoph Stückelberger and Zhou Shoujin: Announcement of Collections on Chinese Ethics and ......

Date:2013-1-11 19:10:38
Christoph Stückelberger and Zhou Shoujin: Announcement of Collections on Chinese Ethics and Confucian Ethics in Globethics.net
Prof. Christoph Stückelberger, Executive Director & Founder of Globethics.net, together with Prof. Zhou Shoujin from the School of Chinese as a Second Language of Peking University, delivered the keynote address themed on “Announcement of Collections on Chinese Ethics and Confucian Ethics in Globethics.net”.
To begin with, Prof. Christoph Stückelberger introduced the background information of Globethics.net, which is a global ethical network. He mentioned his hope that we could make a deep research on the differences among different ethics under various situations, so that we could respect the differences and achieve balance in the integrated world.
Afterwards, Prof. Christoph Stückelberger proceeded to introduce the main activities of Globethics.net in terms of four fields. The first one is the online library, which contains more than millions of documents for readers to use free of charge. The second one is the document collection, which include more than 70 thousand of essays from more than 200 countries. The third one is the advisory service provided in aspects of ethics and publications. The fourth one isthe regional programs, which involve partners from Indonesia, India, Africa, Latin America and other regions.
Then, Prof. Zhou Shoujin makes detailed introduction of Confucian ethics collection in Globethics.net programs. Under the system of global ethics, the Confucian ethics collection aims to involve the Confucian ethics in global ethics tradition so that both of them could be promoted. The Confucian ethics is profound in content, including politics, economy and culture. The Confucian ethics collection is dedicated to collect the documents concerning different aspects. He continued to introduce the target of the Confucian ethics collection: this is, to take ethics as an aim based on the premise that everyone could access the documents. Only under such circumstances could we make up for the uneven development, unsymmetrical leadership, and unfair dialogue. Prof. Zhou introduced the specific steps to achieve such an aim: firstly to establish a framework of Confucian ethics, then to form the FRCE based on basic conception and structures, then to make the classification tree, then to start edit and upload. This process can be divided into four steps: first, establishment of Confucian ethics framework; second, classification tree; third, edition of the materials and upload accordingly; fourth, expansion of important materials. We have established contacts with Confucian Institute of Peking University, Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies of Peking University, the World Ethics Center of Peking University, Confucius Research Institute of People’s University and Taipei Municipal University of Education, which will highlight the Confucian ethics collection.
Undoubtedly the containment of Confucian ethics collection in the Globethics.net will make great contribution to the development and dissemination of traditional Chinese Confucius culture in world, which is warmly welcomed by present guests.
Intern reporter: Guo Fangfei
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