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  02/05    Song Hongjun: Economic Disparities and Differentiated Management
  02/05    Paula Alexander: The Contribution of Emmanuel Levinas to Corporate Social Responsibility...
  02/05    Christoph Stückelberger: The Impact of Religions to Overcome Poverty, the Wealth Gap...
  02/05    Kirk Davidson: Income Disparity: A View from the United States
  01/11    Christoph Stückelberger and Zhou Shoujin: Announcement of Collections on Chinese Ethics and ......
  01/11    Andrew So: Credit Unions: Subordination of Business Techniques to Ethical Ideas
  01/11    Dennis P. McCann: The Unexpected Rewards of Case Study Writing: Rediscovering the Importance of ....
  01/11    Xu Shijun: Ethics is not the charity when enterprises have extra resources, but the essence of .....
  01/11    Kjell Stenstadvold: Culture Clash and Business Ethics: the Rise and Fall of a Chinese-Norwegian JV
  01/11    Thomas A. Myers: An Ethical Global Financial System: What Is Broken and How to Fix It
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